Lowest False Positives
At MergeBase we understand that false positives have a huge impact on productivity and morale. Not only is trying to fix a false positive a huge waste of time, it often takes a developer more time to proof that it is false than it would have taken to fix a true positive.
That is why we put consistent effort in reducing false positives and are proud to have the lowest false positive ratio in the industry.
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MergeBase covers all major languages and environments from Javascript/NPM, .NET, C/C++ to Java and much more (link to detailed features). It integrates with all major build environments and repositories through dedicated plug-ins.
MergeBase keeps your development running at top speed through sophisticated developer guidance that enables your developers to find the best upgrade path in seconds and through suppression management that keeps pipelines running smoothly while maintaining full security governance.
In addition, MergeBase gives you full insight and control over licensing and technical debt, so you can manage your legal and technical risk as well.