
The Archive section displays old scans and obsolete inoculated applications. If a scan has been archived by mistake, the scan can be restored using the popup menu at the right end of every table row.

This view has similar filtering controls as the Overview and users can click on a row to open the Application Detail View for the archived application.

Automatic Archiving

When a user scans an application that they have previously scanned, the previous scan is automatically archived to help keep the dashboard data clean and useful.

When a user runs the Command Line Tool to produce a scan or inoculated application, it generates an “application profile” that is stored on the customer’s MergeBase server. The profile is uniquely identified by its name and an environment label. For scans, the environment label is always “SCAN”. For inoculated applications, the environment label is determined by the application’s run time environment.

When the MergeBase server receives an application profile and there already exists a profile with the same name and environment, the server automatically archives the existing profile. Otherwise, the MergeBase server simply creates a new profile.

In the case of an inoculated application, the profile is created when the Command Line Tool is run to inject MergeBase’s runtime protection code into the application binary. This profile has the environment set to “INOC” and is immediately archived. When the inoculated application is started, it will report to the customer’s MergeBase server, which will then create a new profile with the name and the environment configured in the application’s runtime environment.

If a new version of the application is inoculated and deployed, the new version will replace the old version.