Your SCA program cost

Find out how much a SCA program can cost you with this TCO calculator.

We will ask you only three questions and provide you with an estimate of your CTA cost to your email.

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3 questions / 1 minute

The cost to manage open-source vulnerabilities as part of an effective and comprehensive program across your software development lifecycle includes not only the cost of the tools, but more importantly the cost to deploy and use these tools on an ongoing basis.

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What is the total number of (apps, services, etc.) for which you need to secure in your enterprise?

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What is the frequency of your application security testing?

Step 2 of 3

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How many employees do you have at your organization?

(please exclude security champions within development or product teams.)

Step 3 of 3

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True Cost of Securing Open Source

This assessment is based on the information provided as follows:

Total number of (apps, services, etc.) for which you need to secure in your enterprise

Frequency of your application security testing

Number of employees you have at your organization
Based on the information you provided

Your current annual true cost of open source security is: $1,053,800

Your annual savings with MergeBase could be

Existing staff’s time you can reclaim and use for more strategic initiatives: 73 weeks Potential annual value of staff’s reclaimed time: $928,800

Assessment is based on:

  • Fully loaded Wage Rate of $75
  • False positive rate of 20%
  • 60 net new vulnerabilities per application scan
  • 60 hours to triage
  • 0.01 hours to report and 0.04 hour to process each vulnerability
The assessment and findings are based on research by industry experts with years of experience related to application security.

Don’t underestimate the true cost of false positives. See how MergeBase can improve your open source security management, while also reducing costs.

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